admin 发表于 2016-2-14 13:02:28


109. How to terminate process to release port used for dispatcher client service
After you start dispatcher client service, 11200 port will be occupied and used by default.
For some reason, you close this service window abnormally. When you try to restart it, it
pops up 11200 port occupied error and is unable to restart.

How to terminate old process and release 11200 port.
Find the process id occupying 11200 port
netstart –aon|findstr 11200
Terminate it
Taskkill /f /pid process_id found in step1
For example
Now you can restart dispatcher client service
Note˖Don’t close the Dispatcher window abruptly. Use Ctrl-C to stop the service
running in the window first, then close the window
页: [1]
查看完整版本: 109.如何结束占用的进程服务?