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Aras 安装完毕后, IE的一些常规设置


2018-7-13 08:28:23 1961 0

admin 发表于 2018-7-13 08:28:23 |阅读模式

admin 楼主

2018-7-13 08:28:23


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Aras 安装完毕后, IE的一些常规设置* m3 U# m4 ^, u% r) o- G
0 c( y2 Z- K3 j
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Once you have logged into the client PC machine as an administrator, configure Internet Explorer 11 ) U8 V* R- T4 Y- Z
using the following steps: ( ~1 ?3 u9 y/ @  i& ?
1.  Open an Internet Explorer window. : L: N6 _% U( p  v& k7 k- G
2.  Navigate to Tools --> Internet Options --> Security. 5 {3 x0 K  {/ C) r+ U* @
3.  Select the Trusted sites zone and click Sites.
# H- V1 G* j) E& z9 J8 TThe Trusted sites window is displayed.
" J2 S/ ^) |. ^6 i  p- F4.  Type the URL for the Innovator in Add this website to the zone: and click Add. / u" E% m- R4 L( j
5.  Clear the Require the server verification (https for all sites in this zone checkbox.
; f5 f' W6 s* J2 ]6.  Click Close to exit from the Trusted sites window. ) I& S$ A  y8 o
7.  In the Security tab, clear the Enable Protected Mode checkbox. / W4 m. I. ^4 C  ^$ Z+ ^: L( O1 s
8.  Click Custom level….
: ^  \1 K) x, z0 hThe Security Settings - Trusted Sites Zone window is displayed.
% q* G' P/ f2 @* U* S% a/ c. E9.  Configure the following settings (scroll down to find an appropriate option). # H  }% L& E/ |, f# O" q7 N
o  Downloads
2 m5 _' `$ ], Y" J8 |3 R  Select Enable for File download. + Y+ E) N  t% U6 @9 _
o  Miscellaneous
) q# j& X# O. g( p# L8 F& [- J  Select Enable for Allow script-initiated windows without size or position constraints
9 R2 O" o8 [! r. o9 R  Select Enable for Allow websites to open windows without address bar or status
& r* G0 T' @: e! D# }bar.
5 W( T: x; z0 O8 `; Xo  Scripting # _3 O  o, c; i  q1 }
  Select Enable for Active scripting.
; ]+ t. {7 Q- }$ R10. Click OK.
& f, w' n5 c+ X' ~- O( h11. Click General tab.
5 ]0 `' k# D/ F( k( t$ p12. In the Browser History section, click Settings
8 b/ j9 m5 ~# M6 x1 g* x7 }; ]( r& }- x! a
The Temporary Internet Files and History Settings window is displayed. / S- a+ V5 Q- @& F6 h0 F
13. Select Automatically for Check for newer versions of stored pages. " f& Y, `+ a6 B7 F. R, |
14. Click OK.
* n: P1 G! x! [15. In the Tabs section, click Settings. ( _+ @- F. R6 p% D, Y: F' k5 O
The Tabbed Browser Settings window is displayed. : ?/ O. h9 ?' |
16. Select Always open Pop-ups in a new window for the When a pop-up is encountered:
( L2 p3 h# V# O+ jsection. ' S1 c* |; ~" ]0 f2 h7 d
17. Click OK.
7 q( C5 R8 c$ J18. Click Advanced tab and configure the following settings:
% D& h* [' {  S  o! J3 F2 |o  Select the Disable script debUGging (Internet Explorer) checkbox.  8 V% i- J* M* @3 r: |& |: U
Aras recommends disabling script debugging for any user not actively debugging their client 4 ]1 {/ _3 z. ?9 A+ D; p$ e( O% f
machine.  This is only recommendation and not a requirement.  For more information, refer to
: @2 H* Q" ~# asection 2.5.
# S) E- ~8 r* u! H. K1 m- W) }o  Select the Disable script debugging (Other) checkbox. ' [! n7 x+ t! C7 g0 g
Aras recommends disabling script debugging for any user not actively debugging their client 1 t5 e  Q. J$ O" Q( b- e
machine.  This is only recommendation and not a requirement.  For more information, refer to
) |' x: L! Y. @. e9 a* Vsection 2.5.
" A$ a, l  `7 V) h4 e) P8 p" `o  Clear the Display a notification about every script error checkbox. ( l0 ?7 |4 b  N3 }/ ?" `
19. Click OK.
2 D; {7 ?$ p  K1 Q0 _" r2 |20. In the Internet Explorer menu, Navigate to Tools --> Compatibility View Settings.
- _9 D3 B8 s3 |8 Y21. If the URL for the Aras Innovator instance exists in the Websites you’ve added to Compatibility
$ c% ^, R  `: b% ^; w  FView: list, click Remove. " p' [1 ^- m) q# i2 f2 a0 k/ i. k6 `
22. Click Close to commit the changes to Compatibility View Settings' G, j% C( i3 d5 [( f

2 v& f$ ~5 d3 v5 A按照浏览器设置即可!!7 @) o* z! b$ ]) j( O+ U/ j. R9 c

6 u' K7 X) E1 r/ _4 a: Q! `
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