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[资料] Teamcenter制造管理TCM中MPP的工作流程


2015-8-4 13:36:59 4733 0

admin 发表于 2015-8-4 13:36:59 |阅读模式

admin 楼主

2015-8-4 13:36:59


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Basic tasks using Manufacturing Process Planner
# p+ v) J3 s! v0 a) i2 e4 F
( G. a9 `$ {8 p8 c) ~' K0 IThere are five main tasks that you perform when using Manufacturing/ u! k9 I/ W4 C+ n* n6 t
Process Planner.6 R; P0 D3 s9 j8 Z

. f- h1 w8 ?6 b1. Open the product in Manufacturing Process Planner.! J4 B0 X' {% Q" I4 I
Bring the product into Manufacturing Process Planner before associating, z6 v  {# \$ w4 f% Z' p7 g* e
a process structure with a product. The product is typically designed; f+ l* O) x3 b2 Q* c$ q- s
with an independent application and loaded into the database. Once in( |4 m* t* z) t3 Z" Z6 m
the database, it can be included in a product structure and opened in- v, u, d# {: f- y
Manufacturing Process Planner.
, R( ?% @( d) I7 @
6 ]: z) r& [. Z- q& f7 A2. Define the work area.
" J# R8 r; u8 q, M1 n: M4 ZThese are the locations in the plant where various operations are' F. N8 Z$ T- i2 {% w
performed. They are described by their location on the shop floor and; N5 c5 Y( b0 R, z
the process capabilities they provide. Any number of work areas can be
2 H5 f! g: |% \0 k4 Q$ O5 ^) Ydefined.. ^9 F! e. i# E$ |
) F& K( t* b% h" x. S
3. Create a process structure.
6 D& w# g; |! O- }5 k4 }( `6 GThis specifies the sequence of operations and activities during the
3 D. f4 A7 ?+ E* ]manufacturing process. You can specify the operations and activities that- p7 i9 Z, n" q, G0 A+ p8 N
can be completed in a parallel process, and the preceding processes to
, W) Z9 m" e- |3 h9 P, R" |! B/ S! Q$ ~complete before others can begin. As you build the process structure, you: [7 J8 ~! v- i7 ?0 v
can specify items that are consumed by the process, and you can assign0 H# [$ Y8 y4 p
the individual components of a target assembly as consumed items.
( q: [! l# N) V( o; K5 e
' z, V, x8 R- c4. Create a workflow by sequencing your operations.
% {, K9 J& m# m2 R9 CThis defines the individual operations and activities used to manufacture
: [5 Q; ?$ P6 w# ^a product. As you create the structure, attach the resources used in each  @" I' w( Q% Y9 c: I2 E1 g
operation and activity.# l& D0 l. r* x( ]
: F7 ]1 a+ {* C
5. Create product, process, and work area associations.
1 H6 T) @4 f3 UAssign target items to the processes and operations to associate specific4 y2 b" q$ N  e3 m0 U
processes with a particular product. This identifies the work area where8 w8 Z9 n+ z* ?& |
the processes are performed.
: Y/ }+ k4 }9 ?, P9 kYou can have more than one work area and process associated with a2 z8 Q' |4 W7 |( ?
given product.
8 H1 x' Y3 O  H
. k+ G" p9 J9 |6 i
上海点团信息科技有限公司,承接UG NX,CATIA,CREO,Solidworks 等CAx软件,Teamcenter,3D Experience等PLM软件,工业4.0数字化软件的实施\二次开发\培训相关业务,详情QQ 939801026 Tel 18301858168 网址

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