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[TC问题解决方案] 137. Not able to log in to 2 Tier Teamcenter (TcServer cannot be started)


2017-4-24 15:41:58 6918 0

admin 发表于 2017-4-24 15:41:58 |阅读模式

admin 楼主

2017-4-24 15:41:58


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137. Not able to log in to 2 Tier Teamcenter (TCServer cannot be started)
- z3 g6 Y' k( N+ g- o+ z4 XSymptom2 I# d6 p% X( ~
While loggin in to Teamcenter, following error is shown:
2 H. t# g) f) }, t/ w4 c7 K  Icom.teamcenetr.soa.client.SoaRuntimeException:Could not connect to
: s5 L! I4 D9 U8 K5 r( R"iipo:localhost:1573/TcServer1" via IIOP
5 A8 W& [6 g% B1 `( }TAO Screen:$ k' }$ U! a* F4 \# G6 {( b
Checking for currently running TAO ImR services...
  p% O: B+ v0 d7 I  T0 K2 U; v* h9 `No running TAO ImR services found...
. Z- ^2 n! g0 Z1 file(s) copied., K& T2 p7 v+ O* Z* g% D# u5 K' X3 k
Starting ImplRepo service...
1 |, d* T" O4 C' I8 ~……………..8 g0 j1 C# u8 p7 u4 c& l
ImR Activator: Starting server <TcServer1>...
4 R2 K/ y7 `; B, G% C: ?* X" Acommand line : <C:\Program
) G8 n  y. P, r) hFiles\Siemens\Teamcenter10\TC_Root\iiopserver. k) f6 B# V1 \5 x# A( \$ ~  }
s\start_TcServer1.bat>* @, D) c( V2 P1 D
directory : <C:\Program Files\Siemens\Teamcenter10\TC_Root\iiopservers>
# C; C, |2 X  AImR Activator: Cannot start server <TcServer1> using <C:\Program  i  y7 m; f, n3 S9 w& m
Files\Siemens\T% H8 v% o. T8 J6 j" W# ~9 e& s
eamcenter10\TC_Root\iiopservers\start_TcServer1.bat>7 d; C1 ^! D0 j9 y) _, ^& l
ImR: Activator cannot start <TcServer1>.1 H. K- j8 C% x- U5 r  o4 p
ImR: <TcServer1> not running. alive=false.. K3 s. @5 n- Q2 ]' \
ImR: Cannot Activate <TcServer1>./ u+ ?7 [1 W( l- N; d$ u  K
Cannot activate server <TcServer1>, reason: <Cannot start server.>) a. d1 T' B) l/ ?: a( d
7 d. V1 S+ X% O& LTAO would report cannot start tcserver.6 c0 e, ^3 k, }7 @
TC_ROOT and TC_DATA had space in the directory name.+ b3 K' b8 m/ I% C0 `, c9 b+ H
portal.bat would not call start_TcServer1.bat via the tcserver.xml
, H$ p3 ^$ i4 w& n7 r5 @& g. |Edited the tcserver.xml and noted the TC_ROOT with short path name (DOS 8.3 syntax)
9 {$ x% l% c  A  U: v  H* T) Oreplacing the folder name with space.
; x" p/ x/ _8 {5 {Example:6 D- B6 i! V# H2 R8 X, v
# A' K" L" u4 i" wLauch portal.bat, now tcsever is started and able to login.4 U, x% s9 B0 {7 u! l
It is highly recommend that TC full installation directory has no space, including NX and* S% R" x5 v: Y& Y( h% w1 B" R) y: N
any other related softwares.
  v0 }1 V7 s/ b& n- |, a3 q0 WFor example
( y! `0 K" ?% X" f4 dTC_ROOT = c:\apps\X64\TC\TC118 I/ [' d0 ~" h& Y6 u9 e( E& ^/ K
TC_DATA = c:\apps\x64\TC\tcdata! n  T6 n8 t. q: D! U
X64 means 64bit TC software, while for 32 bit, please use X86. ~: F; B  G1 E9 }  R: e8 h5 M* n
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