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[资料] 第四代设计(4GD)管理系统的优势


2013-12-5 15:54:18 4185 0

mildcat 发表于 2013-12-5 15:54:18 |阅读模式

mildcat 楼主

2013-12-5 15:54:18


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4GD has several advantages over previous generations of data management systems:
# m( U2 O+ V; I) l4 k$ E" U5 l• Flexible organization of design data( F+ p6 `# C0 v9 \' v
The collaborative design content can change dynamically as the design evolves.2 h) ~% ]0 N5 l4 N
Designers are not limited to viewing the product in predefined subassemblies.  w) y$ t% ?2 u  |9 w; @  ^7 j0 Q
• Independent lifecycles# j% U4 {5 m# V3 d* y" E5 ]
Each design element has its own lifecycle. You are not limited by the lifecycle6 \& f# w- s( W' k1 `9 K0 q
of traditional assemblies. Each design element has its revision and status.
7 f6 E# [. j, z: p' D8 k  LLikewise, the CAD design owns its position and geometry.
: y4 q, e4 p7 m$ f& _. O+ I: j• Multiple hierarchical views
& ^! Z2 x* L. `/ z- [4 S" HIn a traditional product structure, each component is placed in an assembly. To
9 {$ D$ ~9 b9 f; O, h/ U) ~; `view a component, you must load its parent assembly. Using 4GD, a design
8 o! m  O0 A3 S) Qelement can appear in multiple partitions and subsets of the product. When
; d5 u* R6 ~# Y; K9 K! I- b1 Ba designer views partitions that may contain the same design element, 4GD
  E5 I  X' V6 D) q( d6 Fdisplays only the unique design elements.
1 R& A% l$ O) e# Z7 o/ G2 V• Very large data sets
9 O5 d0 U* `2 I( |, y! _Because there is no concept of a structure, very large data sets can be managed
* ?0 t! y8 e5 m6 H" g8 uefficiently . Teamcenter loads collaborative designs much more quickly than
1 n' S2 S4 z& ^9 Q5 ~traditional assemblies.
7 T+ B: l) Y7 o$ v7 K" t, q• Minimal data locking7 }, ]0 D( V4 B( i
Designers check out only the design elements they need. To reposition a design! ?8 X( e2 e2 O7 m5 \
element, there is no parent assembly to check out and lock.
0 Z+ r& g2 x; R" t# D& b( J• Efficient working sets
+ Y6 ?# t9 Y& r7 r/ QDesigners can work with adjacent design elements, without having to check out
& Y- g5 \+ z) {! ^. r7 ^the next highest parent assembly that contains all the design elements.
3 j3 ?3 M1 g; S; b+ {8 {+ g! n• Concurrent work capabilities3 v9 k* m1 x$ u( ~+ Z/ ^- z
Because designers access the design elements in their workset using a dynamic8 n7 G! z  _# ]4 q0 d* I- s
recipe instead of a rigid subassembly, the context of the workset can be updated
" M: n: t( ]2 K( [( Z+ Qto include new design elements created by other designers. For example, if the7 ]! s8 u# V  t3 c
recipe searches for all design elements within a spatial volume, reapplying the
5 {4 `( N. H7 Z/ f+ [3 y2 irecipe opens any new design elements within that volume.

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